Garrett Schools Alumni Association
Thanks to the “Hist-Trivialists” (names below) who contributed to a collection of Garrett Schools Trivia for the July 2022 Alumni Reunion just three months ago.
Below are five questions selected from that collection. How well can you do? Answers will be posted soon! Watch this space!
1. On what major street was the Will Franks Elementary School located?
2. What two townships joined Garrett in 1952 to form a new school district?
3. When Garrett Boys’ Basketball had a 50 home game winning streak broken who was the GHS head coach and what school defeated GHS and what season was it?
4. What GHS graduating class was the only senior class to have its commencement ceremony on the football field?
5. Going to downtown Garrett after school in the 1950s, GHS students had their choice of 3 drug stores with soda fountains as places to meet their friends. Name all three.
July 2022 Hist-Trivialists (History Trivia):
Clayton Maggart (GHS 1955), Rick Reeves (GHS 1961), Tom Leech (GHS 1954),
Aaron Smith (GHS 1959), Pat Bartels (GHS C1956), Ken Stalter (GHS 1988),
Chris Smith (GHS 1969, Carolyn Ridenour (GHS 1960)