Our Fall Newsletter comes in a year with many cancellations, including most of our activities for the Alumni Reunion Weekend. We were able to have our Annual Golf Outing. We have continued our 20 by 20 campaign to raise $20,000 in 2020 for our scholarship fund. Please consider giving to this fund which gives college scholarships to GHS seniors. We also have our membership drive going on. If you have not paid your 2020 membership, please send it in this year. There is a membership form below. You can print it off, or just include the needed information with your membership payment.
We hope to see everyone in 2021 for the Alumni Reunion Weekend. Mark your calendar now!
Thank you to KPC News for providing us with these additional pictures from the golf outing:
Dawn DePew Comment (1976), Juiie DePew (1987), Mary Kay Yoder Weeks (1970) and Gretchen Duch participated in the annual Garrett Alumni Golf Outing on July 17 at Garrett Country Club.The Kleeman Team, featuring, from left, Tom Kleeman (1974), Mike Kleeman (1976), Herb Kleeman (1942), and Pat Kleeman (1977), participated in this year’s alumni golf outing, carding a 61 to finish in sixth place.Members of the Class of 1966, including Randy Rupp, Bill Yoder, Steve Mansfield and Denny Worden, scored a 64 to finish in 11th place at the Garrett Alumni golf outing.Joe Mansfield (1973), Paul Beber (1977), Ed Beber (2002) and Matthew Kurtz (2010) participated in this year’s Garrett Alumni Golf Outing on July 19, scoring a 76.This team comprised of Matt Crabill (1999), Justin Crabill (2005), Mitchell Getts (2007) and Bruce Getts (1978) participated in this year’s Garrett Alumni Golf Outing on July 19. They scored a 68 in the contest.Teammates Jed Feagler (1979), Greg Heal (1982), Mark Feagler (1976) and Mike Esselburn (1974) were among 80 golfers in the Garrett Alumni golf outing. They finished in 8th place with a 62.The team of Paul Surfus (1974), Paul Saylor (2002), Mark Steigmeyer (1983) and Kyle Branscum (2004) finished in third place with a 60 in the Garrett Alumni golf outing.Teammates Kip Maggert (1986), Tim Vogel (1986), Chris Vogel (1999) and Steve Bowman (1985) scored a 65 in this year’s outing.Members of the Class of 1988, including Bryan Vogel, Todd Sattison, Dan Weimer and Clay Beber, finished with a score of 62 in the Garrett Alumni Golf OutingAlan Zeigler (1988), Jason Hopkins (1999), Troy Hopkins Jr. (1995) and Eric McCartney (2006) joined up for this year’s Garrett Alumni Golf Outing event. They finished in fifth place at 67.