
Get Onboard the Alumni Train!

The Garrett Schools Alumni Association will have a meeting open to all Garrett Schools Alumni on Wednesday, November 14, from 7 to 9 p.m. at Garrett High School, room 49, entrance 2 on Houston Street.

The executive board of the association will share its activities and accomplishments since taking office in July. Most of the evening is designed to listen to the ideas of Garrett alumni. What do the alumni want their alumni association to accomplish? What are the ideas of the alumni?

The association officers encourage all alumni, whether members of the association or not, to come for what should be an exciting evening of sharing thoughts about what it means to carry on our common legacy of Garrett school experiences across the decades.

To support the Garrett-Keyser-Butler Education Foundation, the executive board asks the alumni to bring with them on November 14 one item for its Resource Room. The GKB Resource Room was established in February 2018 to support the teachers, staff, and students with classroom and personal care items.  Examples of items needed are pencils, markers, notepads, tissues, and similar classroom and personal items. To learn more about the GKB Education Foundation, visit their website: www.foundation.gkb.k12.in.us

We hope to see you on Wednesday, Nov. 14 at 7:00.