Staying on track, together, through the decades

Voices of Garrett Schools Alumni: New Tab on Alumni Website

Voices of Garrett Schools Alumni: New Tab on Alumni Website

Carolyn S. Ridenour
GHS Class of 1960
Garrett Schools Alumni Association
June 2022

Many powerful thinkers and writers began their creative lives as young students in the Garrett schools and are now among the alumni. A feature of our Garrett Schools Alumni website is a space entitled “Voices of Alumni.” Already have been posted stories about Rick Reeves (GHS 1961) and Rick Kneisley (GHS student until end of junior year 1961.) Among the most prolific writers is our third “voice:” 1970 graduate Stephen Rowe. His current essay celebrates the Garrett Public Library. You’ll enjoy all three!

To read these alumni “voices” first, please click on “Alumni News” tab and then, second, click on “Voices of Alumni” tab.

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