Staying on track, together, through the decades

Why join the Garrett Schools Alumni Association?

Why join the Garrett Schools Alumni Association (it’s only $10)?

The Aeolian, our GHS yearbook, used to include the alumni lists by year. Orville DePew, a GHS alumni association officer in 1924, wrote in the Aeolian that year:

“Nothing serves better to recall fond memories of our high school days, with their inspiration and friendliness, than to gather annually to renew our relations that
are more than mere friendships and acquaintances.”

Fast forward nearly a century – to 2022. It’s a very different world, but I believe Orville DePew’s words are as true now as they were then. Do you?

Our current tag line says it simply: “Staying on track, together, through the decades.”

Annual Membership is only $10. January through December each year. Join Here!

Or contact Chris Smith, Corresponding Secretary, at or Garrett Schools Alumni Association, PO Box 55, Garrett IN 46738

Please send in your membership form and dues and join us to

    • Continue our scholarship program to annually support selected GHS graduating seniors to advance their educations
    • Continue our annual summer reunion events (third weekend in July)
    • Strengthen the association after covid pushed us off track a bit
    • Join in the timeless Railroader Spirit of Orville DePew!

Carolyn Ridenour, GHS1960, Garrett Alumni Association Historian