Alumni Reunion in the Park
Garrett Schools Alumni Reunion takes on a new look, but still reunites classmates. Plus you have the opportunity to meet up with your classmates’ friends and family too at our “Alumni Reunion in the Park”! Come out to Eastside Park on Saturday, July 17, from 11:00 – 4:00. You can enjoy food from local restaurants and organizations. You will love the entertainment by some familiar faces with ties to Garrett Schools. All the details can be found below in the On Track Newsletter. Be sure to follow us on Facebook for any updates.
Help us keep the Alumni Association going strong by joining or renewing your membership. Also, please consider making a donations to our scholarship fund which provides scholarships to graduating seniors at GHS. Please take a minute and send in your dues now. The membership form can be found here. If you are not able to print the form, just write all the information on a paper and send it in! We are working on getting an online payment option, but until then, please become an alumni member or affiliate.
Sign up now for the Annual Golf Outing. It is on Friday, July 16, shot gun start at 8 a.m.. Be sure to get your team registered. Everyone must register with payment. Limited number of teams so don’t wait. The form can be found here.